Our lifestyles have evolved and teleworking is becoming the norm. It is increasingly accepted by businesses . But now we have to get organized at home . So more and more of us are practicing teleworking . However, we have not yet adapted our practices and our working methods to increase our productivity . Here is a practical guide to answer the questions we encounter when we practice teleworking . And how to organize your desk to maximize your work space.
- Define your needs and available space
- Create smart storage
- Organize a space in time
- Bring a green space to life in your living room
- Cultivate your well-being
Objective #1: define your needs and available spaces
Your space is limited. You work at home. You divide your space between several uses. At night your apartment allows you to rest. The weekend is a space for relaxation. But during the weekday? It is often unsuitable for effective practice of working from home and being organized correctly. You need to find solutions to share your space according to your uses.
A good practice that is very simple to implement
- List available spaces
- List the desired uses
- Distribute uses over time
- Identify friction points
You may realize that certain practices are impossible in the desired space. But above all you will identify the strong points , these undesirable situations that we will try to solve together. Every space counts, every space can be optimized. So you have to leave with your mind free from any prejudice. It is important to list as many available surfaces as possible in order to really be able to optimize afterwards.
Objective #2: create storage at home
The best advice we can give you is to create storage .
Be relevant
We should not start from the point of view that “more is better”. It is necessary to clearly identify the uses and define the necessary storage. So as the saying goes: “no need to make it complicated”! You have to get to the point . Your imagination will allow you to find your style and create a personal universe. Because even if we seek optimization, we must not neglect the decoration . Take the time to look around you, make a few sketches, even if you skipped drawing classes in college.
Select modular storage to organize your office
- Choose vertical storage solutions
- Find clear boxes that stack and find a place for them in your cupboards
- Find smartly designed storage furniture
Regardless of your budget, don't hesitate to look at the furniture available on Le bon coin . This site is full of gems! So go for it right after reading this article.
Another good tip for finding modular storage ideas: Pinterest
Dare the method
We have a belief at Quark : to get your head above water, you need method. You hear about checklists , tables , etc. If it comes up so often, it's simply because it's extremely effective for organizing your office .
- Establish routines : you take out what you need, then put it away immediately after use.
- The hardest part is tidying up regularly
- If necessary, and only as a last resort, consider renting additional storage space outside your home. Talk about it around you, there may be a cellar available from neighbors or friends who live near you.
Objective #3: organize your home office
Now that you have identified the available spaces , that you have provided efficient storage where necessary: we can say that your apartment is tidy ! Congratulations ! Courage now, the method is not a sprint, the method is a marathon .

Open, take out, use, store
You have become extremely methodical, your colleagues even call you to complete their own to-do lists and organize their desks. You have perfect control over the organization of your apartment and on top of that, you have added a decorative touch that everyone appreciates at aperitif time. Then we can move on to the next step: organizing the office . The most effective in our eyes is to have furniture dedicated to the world of work. If your work takes up a lot of space in your life, you may need to consider dedicating several pieces of furniture to it.
The objective:
The objective is simple , everything related to work: computer, pens, binders, briefcases, tape, notebooks, must have its own place, easy to access, in a piece of furniture in your apartment. You will be able to store all the equipment intended for your work in the blink of an eye. As you will have understood, what we are looking for is efficiency. We are looking for a pleasant workspace. And this also requires a tidy desk. Needless to say, a place at the top of a cupboard for your computer is a very bad idea. If, like most teleworking workers, you mainly use a laptop to work, it must be very easily accessible . And don't forget to provide a place for its charger . Perfection is found in the details.
Now here is the method point. Every time you go to work:
- Open your work furniture
- Take out the necessary things
- Arrange them on a work surface free for this purpose
- Then put your things away when you move on to another activity.
Minimalist storage , a modern doctrine
It’s clear that if you take a 10-minute break, there will be no point in tidying up. On the other hand, if you are going for a 1-hour walk, or a short jog to recharge your batteries, then it's time to tidy up . You must not lose sight of your objective: you must organize your office . Don't leave the apartment thinking "I'll do that later."
Our bad habits
Bad habits are hard to break. We all have them , and we can all work on them. We must not forget our childish soul. If you find fun methods to create beautiful routines, then don't hesitate for a second.
A typical example of a bad habit: don't leave a pen holder lying around on the kitchen table . Or don't get carried away by the mail that arrives every day.
If you have to deal with regular mail (which must be the case), choose dedicated “ mail to sort ” storage. The worst thing is having empty pockets all over your apartment. As you may know, nature abhors a vacuum. Let this practice take hold and you will find yourself with piles of documents everywhere. You will then need a big dose of courage to put it all away.
You will find very simple objects at Ikea
Let yourself be tempted by recycling
So don't forget, it takes rigor
Again, trust yourself and be kind to yourself. There is no secret, to be rigorous, you have to give yourself time . This is often a parameter that we quickly forget. If you watch Marie Kondo, you will know that you have to detach yourself and identify what you need to tidy up properly. But you also need to practice regularly. Daily. That's it, it's said.
To organize your office , you have to give yourself time to
- Tidy
- Look
- To reflect on
- And question its practices.
If you achieve this level of tidying, you have become an international expert. Or a control freak...
Avoid small messes
If you want to keep your apartment tidy and be able to telework in good conditions, you will need to give yourself time. If you let small disorders take hold they will quickly take over.
Trust yourself and establish a daily routine. Thanks to it, no more unpleasant surprises. You will no longer be drawn into these bad habits . You will no longer pile up your belongings. And after a few weeks of practice , you will be able to identify dedicated storage spaces in the blink of an eye.
Install routines
Our favorite technique at Quark is setting up a routine . It is not a question of becoming a stakhanovitch of the method . You have to find a balance between preparation and improvisation. In the morning after breakfast, take 15 minutes to put away all the things lying around you. If you have children and they are at nursery or school, take the opportunity to store their games in boxes for example. By stacking colored boxes you can create a space that is pleasant to the eye without it distracting you from your thoughts when you have your hands in the very important customer file of the moment.
Your gourmet breakfast is a routine
Do not leave laundry to dry in the middle of the living room during your working hours. Depending on the space you have, organize yourself so that this type of staining takes place at night. This requires a bit of organization at first, so don't hesitate to take out a piece of paper and a pen, then write yourself a very simple schedule. You will inevitably find good practices there, adapted to your pace of life.
Objective #4: put green in your living room
Last step in our tips for organizing your home office for teleworking : green spaces. We must not neglect the impact of vegetation on our moods. What could be more beautiful than waking up in the morning with flowers in full bloom in your living room?
Teleworking and green wall, the winning combo
In order to improve the quality of your environment, we advise you with Quark to set up a small green space in your apartment. The simplest method is as follows: you must dedicate a small part of a wall to build a green wall . On this green wall, choose plants that need little light , remember that they will stay indoors all year round.
We have prepared a non-exhaustive collection of plants ideal for a green wall, do not hesitate to leave us your opinions and suggestions in the comments !
- Ferns : perfect to start with, it’s a plant that will perfectly adorn your space
- Begonias : there are many varieties, we recommend them for their warm colors
- Philodendrons : dare the excess of their leaves, they sometimes exist in the form of tropical lianas
- Peperomias : for its delicious leaves, the genus includes more than 1000 species
- Hibiscus : for its red and sweet flower
Objective #5: maintain a taste for well-being
Show motivation
Treat yourself and don’t hesitate to display items on your walls that inspire you. Ask yourself these questions:
- What motivates me?
- What is my favorite quote ?
- What is the objective I am aiming for?
Then you can visually represent these responses in your workspace.
Never forget that gravity remains an outer limit as long as you are on earth
Keep your balance
We would like to reiterate this to end this article, but the most motivating and most important thing is to be well in your body and in your head . Work represents an important part of our lives, so we must not underestimate our relationship to it. We must cultivate a taste for well-being and that is why we place so much emphasis on the green wall , on the routine that allows us to stay on track, on the methods that allow us to plan ahead. We will have the opportunity to return to the subject in future articles, tidying up is a form of expression of our inner state of mind. Organizing your desk is just the first step. So if we can help you take another step towards some form of inner well-being , we will be happy to participate in this journey!
Do not hesitate to join our Newsletter at the bottom of this page. You will then receive our advice for organize and store your apartment and your workspace.
See you soon
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